Fetal Therapy

The procedures that can be offered for fetal therapy are:


It is a test done to extract amniotic fluid from the baby for different studies (karyotype, fetal infections protocols, paternity tests, etc.).

Amnioreduction or amniodrainage

Treatment done to extract the excess of amniotic fluid caused by certain pathologies, to relieve maternal discomfort or the risk of premature birth.


Procedure done to administer saline solution inside the uterus. This can be done to confirm doubtful rupture of membranes or when there is none or very little amniotic fluid to have a greater visualization of the fetus, thus being better assessed.


This test permits the puncture of the umbilical cord to obtain a fetal blood sample, it can be for diagnosis or treatment.


Technique done to puncture the fetal thorax to obtain a sample for analysis and treatment when there is a pleural effusion.


Method done to extract fetal urine from bladder for testing and diagnostic purposes.

Intrauterine transfusion

This allows a blood infusion into the fetal cord for the treatment of a fetus with moderate to severe anemia, to prolong the pregnancy and increase the baby's survival chance.